The X-Philes (2nd Revision)
The X-Philes Number 1 (1995).iso
C/C++ Source or Header
326 lines
* Authors :
* Pierre DAVID (pda@masi.ibp.fr or pda@frunip62.bitnet)
* This program can be freely used or distributed as long as this
* note is kept.
* This program is provided "as is".
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
typedef unsigned short uint16 ;
typedef unsigned long uint32 ;
struct disc_hdr
uint16 mlfi ; /* Lif Id (0x8000) */
char l_label [6] ; /* volume label */
uint32 l_dstart ; /* directory start record (usually 2) */
uint16 l_sys3000 ; /* system 3000 (0x1000) */
uint16 l_spare1 ; /* 0x0000 */
uint32 l_dirlen ; /* directory length */
uint16 l_version ; /* 0x0001 */
uint16 l_spare2 ; /* 0x0000 */
uint32 trkpersurf ; /* tracks per surface */
uint32 surfpermed ; /* number of surfaces */
uint32 sectpertrk ; /* records per track */
char l_date [6] ; /* date & time */
char l_spare [213] ; /* padding */
} ;
struct lif_filent
char l_filnam [10] ; /* file name */
uint16 l_filtyp ; /* file type */
uint32 l_startsec ; /* start record */
uint32 l_fillen ; /* file length */
char l_create_time [6] ; /* date & time created */
uint16 l_flagwd ; /* volume flag/number 0x8001 */
uint32 l_startexec ; /* implementation */
} ;
FILE *fp, *fplif, *fpw ;
char filename[10] ;
int type ;
long int dir_sec, data_sec ;
struct lif_filent dir_entry, areuh_dir ;
struct disc_hdr header ;
long int a = 0, b = 0, eod = 0 ;
#define DISK "/dev/dsk/floppy"
main (argc, argv)
int argc ;
char *argv[] ;
long int magic ;
if (argc!=2)
fprintf (stderr, "usage: acp file\n") ;
exit (1) ;
if (!(fp=fopen (argv[1], "r")))
fprintf (stderr, "acp: cannot open file %s\n", argv[1]) ;
exit (1) ;
fread (&magic, sizeof (long int), 1 , fp) ;
if (magic!=0x1b080100)
fprintf (stderr, "acp: %s not a lex file\n", argv[1]) ;
exit (1) ;
if (!(fplif=fopen (DISK, "r")))
fprintf (stderr, "acp: cannot open %s for read\n", DISK) ;
exit (1) ;
if (!read_lif ())
fprintf (stderr, "acp: not a LIF disk\n") ;
exit (1) ;
read_file_infos () ;
search_dir () ;
if (!(fpw=fopen (DISK, "w")))
fprintf (stderr, "acp: cannot open %s for write\n", DISK) ;
exit (1) ;
write_data () ;
write_dir () ;
if (fclose (fplif))
fprintf (stderr, "acp: cannot close %s opened for read\n", DISK) ;
exit (1) ;
if (fclose (fpw))
fprintf (stderr, "acp: cannot close %s opened for write\n", DISK) ;
exit (1) ;
if (fclose (fp))
fprintf (stderr, "acp: cannot close file %s\n", argv[1]) ;
exit (1) ;
exit (0) ;
skip (n)
int n ;
char c ;
int i ;
for (i=1; i<=n; i++) fread (&c, 1, 1, fp) ;
con (pvar, n)
unsigned int *pvar ;
int n ;
int i ;
unsigned char areuh [256] ;
fread (areuh, n, 1, fp) ;
*pvar = 0 ;
for (i=n-1; i>=0; i--)
*pvar = (*pvar * 16) + hex(areuh[i]) ;
read_file_infos ()
int i ;
unsigned int c ;
int length, length_sect ;
for (i=0; i<8; i++)
con (&c, 2) ;
dir_entry.l_filnam[i] = (unsigned char) c ;
dir_entry.l_filnam[8] = ' ' ;
dir_entry.l_filnam[9] = ' ' ;
con (&c, 4) ;
dir_entry.l_filtyp = (unsigned short) c ;
skip (12) ;
con (&length, 5) ;
length_sect = (length -= 5 ) ;
read_date (dir_entry.l_create_time) ;
dir_entry.l_startexec = 0 ;
for (i=0; i<4; i++)
c = length&0xff ;
dir_entry.l_startexec = (((unsigned int) dir_entry.l_startexec)*0x100)
+ c ;
length /= 256 ;
dir_entry.l_fillen = length_sect / 512 + ((length_sect%512) ? 1 : 0) ;
dir_entry.l_flagwd = (unsigned short int) 0x8001 ;
read_date (str)
char *str ;
int i ;
long clock ;
struct tm *ptm ;
clock = time ((long *) 0) ;
ptm = localtime (&clock) ;
str [0] = bcd (ptm->tm_year) ;
str [1] = bcd (ptm->tm_mon + 1) ;
str [2] = bcd (ptm->tm_mday) ;
str [3] = bcd (ptm->tm_hour) ;
str [4] = bcd (ptm->tm_min) ;
str [5] = '\0' ;
int bcd (n)
int n ;
return (((n / 10) * 16) + (n % 10)) ;
int read_lif ()
fread (&header, sizeof (header), 1, fplif) ;
if (((unsigned short)header.mlfi)!=0x8000) return (0) ;
return (1) ;
struct lif_filent cur_dir_entry ;
long int compteur = 1, sod, sodn, limite ;
sod = header.l_dstart + header.l_dirlen ;
limite = ((unsigned) header.l_dirlen)*8 ;
fseek (fplif, header.l_dstart*0x100, 0) ;
fread (&cur_dir_entry, sizeof(cur_dir_entry), 1, fplif) ;
while ((cur_dir_entry.l_filtyp != 0xffff)&&(compteur<=limite))
if ((cur_dir_entry.l_filtyp == 0) &&
(cur_dir_entry.l_fillen >= dir_entry.l_fillen) && !a )
a = ftell (fplif) - 32 ;
sodn = cur_dir_entry.l_startsec ;
else if (strncmp (cur_dir_entry.l_filnam, dir_entry.l_filnam, 10) == 0)
b = ftell (fplif) - 32 ;
memcpy ((char *) &areuh_dir, (char *) &cur_dir_entry, 32) ;
sod = cur_dir_entry.l_startsec + cur_dir_entry.l_fillen ;
fread (&cur_dir_entry, sizeof(cur_dir_entry), 1, fplif) ;
compteur++ ;
if ((b) && (areuh_dir.l_fillen >= dir_entry.l_fillen))
a = b ;
b = 0 ;
sodn = areuh_dir.l_startsec ;
else if (!a)
if (compteur <= limite)
eod = ftell (fplif) ;
a = eod - 32 ;
sodn = sod ;
if (sodn+((unsigned) dir_entry.l_fillen)>=
((unsigned) header.trkpersurf) *
((unsigned) header.surfpermed) *
((unsigned) header.sectpertrk))
fprintf (stderr, "acp: no room in data area\n") ;
exit (1) ;
fprintf (stderr, "acp: no room in directory area\n") ;
exit (1) ;
dir_entry.l_startsec = sodn ;
write_data ()
int c = 0, d ;
fseek (fpw, ((unsigned long) dir_entry.l_startsec)*0x100, 0) ;
while ((d=getc (fp))!=EOF)
if (c)
fputc (hex(d)*16+hex(c), fpw) ;
c = 0 ;
else c = d ;
if (c) fputc (hex(c), fpw) ;
int hex (c)
int c ;
return (((c>='A')&&(c<='F'))?c-'A'+10:c-'0') ;
write_dir ()
long int *plong, i ;
update (a, &dir_entry) ;
if (b)
areuh_dir.l_filtyp = 0 ;
update (b, &areuh_dir) ;
if (eod)
plong = (long int *) &areuh_dir ;
for (i=1; i<=8; i++)
*plong = -1 ;
plong++ ;
update (eod, &areuh_dir) ;
update (x, pdir)
long int x ;
struct lif_filent *pdir ;
struct lif_filent sector[8] ;
fclose(fpw) ; fpw = fopen (DISK, "w") ;
fclose(fplif) ; fplif = fopen (DISK, "r") ;
fseek (fplif, x, 0) ;
fread (sector, sizeof (sector), 1, fplif) ;
write (sector, sizeof (sector), 1, fpw) ;
memcpy (§or[(x/32) % 8], pdir, 32) ;
fseek (fpw, x, 0) ;
fwrite (sector, sizeof (sector), 1, fpw) ;
fseek (fpw, x, 0) ;
fwrite (pdir, sizeof *pdir, 1, fpw) ;